Dodge City Middle School

Dodge City Middle school is a very specialized school that understands the physical, intellectual, ethical, psychological and emotional development of the young adolescent and addresses those needs through a carefully planned school structure. (Learn More About Dodge City Middle School)

Assess Readiness & Build Capacity

In establishing SMART goals at the beginning of the school year will help our school to recognize that formalized goal-setting can lead to improved student learning outcomes. All SMART goals created by PLC teams will have the following six components (with example language from the SMART goal above): 
  1. A measurable baseline (64%);
  2. A measurable target (91%);
  3. A specific time frame (Fall 2011 to Spring 2012);
  4. Specificity about what is being assessed (percentage of seventh grade students scoring  at Level 3 or higher);
  5. Specificity about the method of assessment (the state mathematics test); and
  6. Focus areas that guide future action needed to reach the learning target (number sense, computation, and measurement).

Inclusion of these six components will ensure that SMART goals meet the criteria represented by the acronym. SMART goals can then be used with common assessments, teacher-made rubrics, and end of the quarter mini assessments as well as with end of year Kansas state assessments.  PLC content specific goal-setting will address instructional areas that are both important and strategic. Remembering the Pareto Principle that 20% of activity causes 80% of results is critical at this stage of the data driven decision process. Evidence from successful data-driven schools shows that strategic focus and success in a couple of key areas commonly carries over and alleviates other instructional and behavioral concerns as well.

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